Sunday, May 6, 2012

SoapUI issue

Facing this below error with SoapUI tool and struggling to resolve it. Here is the solution...

SoapUI Connection refused: connect

Throws above error when some webservice request is being made after successfully generating mock requests from WSDL. I was unable to understand when the WSDL is hit and mock requests are generated properly, why this error appears from mock request. After struggling for a while find out the reason as given below.

Solution steps:
1.       Double click on “xxxPortBinding” from left menu which holds all the mock requests.
2.       Click on “Service EndPoints” to see if EndPoint URL formed is correct. In my case it was omitting context path in the URL field. 

Strangely, SoapUI tool forms new URL to hit omitting the context path. Could be a defect in this tool.

Also, for bad credentials error, add credentials from clicking “Auth” menu and add username and password details there.

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