Friday, March 23, 2012

CXF Embedded Application in JBoss-6.x AS

The CXF libraries stuffed in web applications lib folder to enable webservices capability usually works fine with servers like Tomcat (at least till version 6) which has by default no CXF related libraries at server path. But same web application fails even to get deployed in JBoss6.x conflicting with server provided CXF libraries.

When I faced the same issue, it took solid 8-10 hours to find out working solution. Hope my findings helps someone in same despair.

This issue made me take serious look at the class loading behavior of JBoss and I was certain that JBoss would have feature to disable or yield parent (server) classes loading. I have seen the same feature in Websphere application server. With full confidence, I have tried JBoss recommended ways of adding jboss-app.xml, jboss-classloading.xml and jboss-scanning.xml to web application path to make it look for classes from its own lib folder first.

I have tried giving the jboss-app.xml file different names like jboss-app.xml, jboss-web.xml and jboss-.xml etc. to see it work. I was thinking that I was missing correct syntax here and tried many options in vain.

Similarly tried many options with jboss-classloading.xml and I was sure about the following element and unfortunately, this also did not solve the problem.

 I knew surely that the above approach is cleaner and recommended way to go for which was not yielding any result.

As a last resort, I have physically removed all the CXF libraries from server end itself. I have found some cxf related files at common/lib and removed all cxf*.jar from there. Also, from server/default/Deployers/jbossws.deployer directory removed all jars. After these changes, when server was restarted some errors in boot.log appears related to the missing cxf jars but the web application got deployed successfully and functionality was intact.

Probably, it is good to use Jboss 7 as it claims to provide flexibility in choosing webservices kit (either cxf or native) and choosing native kit could resolve cxf classloading issues. Never tried though!

Please take note that this could stop other applications (if any) which depends on JBoss provided CXF libraries! 

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