Sunday, March 24, 2019

Enterprise Integration - Hub & Spoke design

Various business domains in large enterprises using many applications, tools and utilities (ERP, CRM, Sales, HR, Finance etc.) poses bigger challenge to IT to support with effective collaboration across business domains, data analysis and critical data synchronization. With many such heterogeneous applications being added up over time integrating each of them point to point would increase the complexity exponentially. To reduce integration complexity, Hub and Spoke design paradigm is regarded as one of the best solution. The hub part needs to be designed to be highly concurrent, distributed, scalable, micro services oriented, cloud hosted and container orchestrated to offer all the elements of data integration like real-time data streaming, transformation, synchronization, quality, and management to ensure that information is timely, accurate, and consistent across heterogeneous applications.

Event driven design:
Spoke applications triggers messages to hub on its create or update event. Upon receiving such messages and based on the routing rules, hub decides message forwarding to corresponding spokes. Routing rules determines the message flow across spokes systems and these rules relies on trusted data sources for fetching data. The data validation, synchronization, transformation, enrichment, filtering for every message is carried out by integrating hub with trusted data sources. 

Tools & technologies for building hub using IBM public cloud : 
·       The real-time data pipeline is built using Kafka cluster that helps hub handle large amount of data and provides message reliability.

·       To simplify our concurrent code development, and avail infrastructure that allows us to scale without modifying application, Akka toolkit is used. Akka seamlessly handles the distribution of messages and communication in big scale. The other biggest advantage is that it simplifies concurrency logic which in turn improves coding efficiency.
·       Play web server provides lightweight, stateless web server framework and we have chosen this to expose APIs with minimal resource consumption.
·       Redis is used for caching and error handling.
·       Grafana and DataDog are used for monitoring infrastructure and services to update the administrator about system health.
·       Zipkin is used to trace the message flow across systems and provides real time update on the message transition.

Core components that Hub offers are:
·       API service: Exposes integration over REST to provide integration of spokes with hub. Here, interface contract is established to standardize the communication from spoke to hub. Provides HTTPS endpoint and OAuth2.0 for securing the communication.
·       Processor Service: Validates, standardize, enriches, filters and transforms the incoming data. Applies message routing rules to determine destination spoke for incoming messages.
·       Persistence Service: Provides data persistence to store every transaction that flows through the hub. DashDB is being used to store consolidated data.
·       Adapter Service: Service to consume the spoke interfaces is provided by adapter service. This generalized service gets derived by individual spoke adapter to be in compliant with its own interface.
·       Dashboard service:  Provides consolidated report on the opportunity messages. Helps support and administration staff with the message transaction details. 

Real time integration exception handling and assured delivery:
It is critical to handle extraneous conditions arising from unexpected events, invalid data and process errors at runtime. The ecosystem must adapt multi-pronged approach to handle various types of errors with assured delivery, error routing, error mapping, logging, notification, and dashboard monitors for error details. Robust retry framework is used to automatically resolve recoverable errors. Hub forks workflow process between recoverable and non-recoverable exceptions to manage them appropriately.
Circuit breaker mechanism is adopted to handle remote calls efficiently. This provides us lot of savings in terms of optimal resource usage and mitigates failure cascading across systems.